Visual spectacle for a tragicomic clown.



A man without memories, he does not recognize his hands, gestures, or his face, he confuses people and things, he wanders lost in space and time. One night, feeling his heart surprisingly illuminates his conscience "he realizes that he realizes" that he is alive, conscious and lucid, but he does not know who has he been or where he is.

For an hour he goes on a playful odyssey to search everywhere, inside and outside of himself, to find his own identity. He interweaves then a hilarious story of eccentric and monstrous images counterpoised with the humor of the clown where he reflects, raves and gradually becomes he is aware of the implication of his will to find himself in that circumstance. His desire to be free from the prison of the body, of which he is a victim, and a utopia; the emancipation of a wrong world created by modern man who annihilates himself, the same man who every day shapes the future with his actions.

Aziz Adolfo Espinoza Gual, director and Mexican Clown.


The Incubator of the Impossible (SFUMATO)

